The 1st ROSE Festival @ CBSoft


Welcome intro

Session 1: Artifact presentation

Evaluating the performance of NSGA-II and NSGA-III on Product Line Architecture Design Artifacts Available
Lucas Wolschick (UEM), Paulo Cesar Gonçalves (UEM), João Choma Neto (UEM), Willian Marques Freire (UEM), Aline Maria M. M. Amaral (UEM), Thelma Elita Colanzi (UEM)
A New Integration Approach to support the Development of Build-time Micro Frontend Architecture Applications Artifacts Available Artifacts Functional
Fernando Moraes (UNESP), Frank José Affonso (UNESP)
Revisiting Aristotle vs. Ringelmann: The influence of biases on measuring productivity in Open Source software development Artifacts Available Artifacts Functional
Christian Gut (IME-USP), Alfredo Goldman (IME-USP)
PoP-ARE: A Tool for Extracting Systems-of-Systems Non-Functional Requirements from Processes-of-Business Processes Artifacts Available
Murilo Gustavo Nabarrete Costa (UFMS), Sidny de Almeida Molina Pereira (UFMS), Debora Maria Barroso Paiva (UFMS), Maria Istela Cagnin (UFMS)
Promise+: expandindo a base de dados de requisitos de software Promise_exp Artifacts Available Artifacts Functional
Bruno Silva (UFMA), Rodrigo Nascimento (UFMA), Luis Rivero (UFMA), Geraldo Braz (UFMA), Rodrigo Pereira dos Santos (UNIRIO), Luiz Eduardo Martins (UNIFESP), Davi Viana (UFMA)
Teaching Software Engineering: An Overview of Current Approaches and Practices in the Last Decade of SBES Artifacts Available
Ana Clementino (UFERSA), Erick Lima (UFCA), Luann Lima (UFCA), André Guedes (IFMT), Dorgival Netto (UFCA), Jarbele Coutinho (UFERSA)
Unveiling the Landscape of System Thinking Modeling Tools Use in Software Engineering Artifacts Available
Júlia de Souza Borges (UFES), Thiago Felippe Neitzke Lahass (UFES), Amanda Brito Apolinário (UFES), Paulo Sérgio dos Santos Júnior (IFES), Monalessa Barcellos (UFES)

Welcome intro

Session 2: Artifact presentation

Categorizing IoT Software Systems Security Vulnerabilities Through Literature Studies Artifacts Available
Clinton Hudson Moreira Pessoa (COPPE/UFRJ), Guilherme Horta Travassos (COPPE/UFRJ)
SP2Mic: Uma ferramenta para geração de código de microsserviços a partir de stored procedures Artifacts Available Artifacts Functional
Ingrid Coutinho (UECE), Paulo Maia (UECE)
Explorando a detecção de conflitos semânticos nas integrações de código em múltiplos métodos Artifacts Available
Toni Maciel (UFPE), Paulo Borba (UFPE), Leuson Da Silva (Polytechnique Montreal), Thaís Burity (UFAPE)
Memoization of Mutable Objects Artifacts Available Artifacts Functional
Caio Raposo, Fernando Magno Quintao Pereira (UFMG)
Assisting Novice Developers Learning in Flutter Through Cognitive-Driven Development Artifacts Available
Ronivaldo Ferreira (UFPA), Victor Hugo Santiago C. Pinto (UFPA), Cleidson R. B. de Souza (UFPA), Gustavo Pinto (UFPA & Zup Innovation)

Award announcement

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