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About OpenScienSE 2021

According to the UNESCO recommendation, "Open Science is the movement to make scientific research and data accessible to all. It includes practices such as publishing open scientific research, campaigning for open access and generally making it easier to publish and communicate scientific knowledge. Additionally, it includes other ways to make science more transparent and accessible during the research process. This includes open notebook science, citizen science, and aspects of open source software and crowdfunded research projects".

Open Science principles are driven by the Budapest Open Access Initiative, Panton Principles to promote Open Science, the Amsterdam Call for Action on Open Science, and the Council of the European Union transition for Open Science System.

Motivated by the internationally Open Science movement and the characteristics of the Software Engineering area, OpenScienSE is created as a way to provide researchers and practitioners a means for exchanging experiences on how Open Science is applied to improve Software Engineering practices.

Aims and Scope

Internationally scientific community has increasingly discussed the importance of Open Science practices for a modern and improved society to provide free access to researches performed mainly based on public funding agencies as, for instance, the National Institutes of Health (USA), the European Commission, and CAPES, CNPq, and FAPESP (in Brazil).

Countries as Canada and the Netherlands have invested billions of dollars on Openness of their government activities. Canada is getting the first nation to reach 100% open government policies.

Initiatives of Open Science practices to Software Engineering are known, such as the ICSE ROSE Festival for software engineering artifacts, the ESEM conference Policies for Open Science, and the Open Science initiative of the Empirical Software Engineering journal.

The 1st Workshop on Open Science Practices for Software Engineering (OpenScienSE 2021) aims at bringing together the research communities interested in topics related to any kind of practices of Open Science in the Software Engineering area. With OpenScienSE 2021 we envision an initial opportunity to quick start essential discussions on openness of the Software Engineering practices and to strengthening research group collaborations, as well as identifying new research opportunities.

OpenScienSE will be co-located with the 12th Brazilian Conference on Software (CBSoft 2021) on September 28th.

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Renan Augusto Leonel

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Pedro Henrique de Melo Costa

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